Textos módulo "Identidad y Reflexividad Pedagógica".
Beauchamp, C., & Thomas, L. (2010). Understanding teacher identity: An overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(2), 175-189. doi: 10.1080/03057640902902252Kohli, R., Picower, B., Martinez, A., & Ortiz, N. (2015). Critical professional development: Centering the social justice needs of teachers. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 6(2). https://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/view/1057/849
Pillen, M., Beijaard, D., & Brok, P. (2013). Tensions in beginning teachers’ professional identity development, accompanying feelings and coping strategies. European Journal of Teacher Education, 36(3), 240-260. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2012.696192
Sutherland, L., Howard, S., & Markauskaite, L. (2010). Professional identity creation: examining the development of beginning preservice teachers’ understanding of their work as teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 455-465. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2009.06.006
Vanegas, C,. & Fuentealba, A. (2019). Identidad profesional docente, reflexión y práctica pedagógica: consideraciones claves para la formación de profesores. Perspectiva Educacional. Formación de Profesores, 58(1), 115-138